Blue Rose Ceremony comes from the ancient Temple Arts and illuminates the innate gift we all have - our voice. Our source of power and the seed of creation. We not only manifest through our voice but also heal. In our ability to connect with our voice lies the ability to rearrange not only our reality but also all reality. The voice is oracular, it goes beyond linear time and is infused with inner knowing that comes from the cosmic memory.
Through the voice we can channel ascended masters, the wisdom kept within the Earth, the Goddess herself and especially ourselves from the future, past and beyond.
Sacred plant Henna will be served during the ceremony as sacred body art to honor our embodiment of the Goddess. We will adorn and behold one another and witness each other as divine beings, as bodies of Her.
Join us for an evening with the Blue Rose frequency in ceremony to connect with our own sovereign voice and embody our divinity.
Sema Rae is a musician, healer and a coach from Turkey. Trained in yoga, sound therapy and temple arts, she is passionate about healing, manifesting and realizing self through the voice. She holds spaces for sacred music, ceremony and containers for cellular healing. Through her coaching she teaches how to heal and empower oneself, channel songs from the earth, Goddess and ascended ones and claim one's sovereign power.