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Yoga of the Voice Workshop

  • Wonderfield Farm 10775 E Gobbler Dr Floral City, FL 34436 United States (map)

In this workshop we explore our inherent superpower - the voice.

The journey we embark on starts with the breath and takes us all the way to our limitless potential. We will experience the healing ability of this in-built musical instrument we all have - our voice; and discover how to utilize sound as a tool to remember our oneness with all.

This is an invitation into exploration and experience of “Shabda Brahma” - the Word that is Creator.

There will be some asana, breathwork and chanting - bija (seed) syllables and mantras during the class. No prior experience is necessary.

This workshop will take place at Camp Sacred City, attendance to the gathering is necessary to join.

March 26

Asheville Kirtan with Sema and Noah

April 1

Drum Making Ceremony